Committee Members

Assist Prof Dr . Getachew Alamnie

Assist Prof Dr . Getachew Alamnie

Mekdela Amba University , Ethiopia

Assist Prof Dr . Getachew Alamnie

Mekdela Amba University , Ethiopia

Assist Prof Dr . Francesco Asnicar

Assist Prof Dr . Francesco Asnicar

Department CIBIO, University of Trento, Italy

Assist Prof Dr . Francesco Asnicar

Department CIBIO, University of Trento, Italy

Prof . Georges Nemer

Prof . Georges Nemer

Professor , Hamad Bin Khalifa University , Qatar

Prof . Georges Nemer

Professor , Hamad Bin Khalifa University , Qatar

Prof Dr . Esmail El-Fakharany

Prof Dr . Esmail El-Fakharany

research institute , City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications , Egypt

Prof Dr . Esmail El-Fakharany

research institute , City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications , Egypt

Dr. Sooyoung Kim

Dr. Sooyoung Kim

US Neurophth Therapeutics (Ex-), United States.

Dr. Sooyoung Kim

US Neurophth Therapeutics (Ex-), United States.

Dr. Seema Nath

Dr. Seema Nath

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, United States.

Dr. Seema Nath

University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, United States.