Members List

TitleFirst NameLast NameInstitution/OrganizationCountry
ProfArezooTahmourespourIslamic Azad University, Isfahan branchIran
DrQiuchengleiFirst people's hospital of foshanChina
Prof. DrZhipengLiuSchool of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology of Lanzhou UniversityChina
Prof. DrSanaaBendahmanePrivate University of MarrakechMorocco
ProfSubhoMozumdarUniversity of DelhiIndia
DrLarisaFedoreyevaAll-Russian Institute of Agricultural BiotechnologyRussia
Assoc. Prof. Dr.KincsőDecsiHungarian University and Life Sciences, Institute of Agronomy, Department of Plant Physiology and Plant EcologyHungary
DrMohammadBelalDesert Research CenterEgypt
Assoc. Prof. Dr.HelalHettaDivision of microbiology, immunology and biotechnology, Department of Natural Products and Alternative Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Tabuk, Tabuk 71491, Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia
Prof. Dr.RehamBarghashMSA, NRCEgypt
DrAlessandraCostanzaUniversité de GenèveSwitzerland
MsDikshaSharmaThapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, PatialaIndia
DrGandhi GracyRamasamyICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect ResourcesIndia
DrClaudioTiribelliItalian Liver FoundationItaly
Prof DrJean PaulKoto-Te-Nyiwa NgboluaUniversity of KinshasaCongo, Democratic Republic of the
ProfManaOloomiInstitute PasteurCanada
MsHafsaEL HORRIPisa universityItaly
DrAlsuLubyanovaInstitute of Biochemistry and Genetics - Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of the Russian Academy of SciencesRussia
Prof DrMohammad AliNematollahiDepartment of Fisheries/University of TehranIran
Prof DrMohamedZaghloulCCHE (Children's Cancer Hospital, Egypt.Egypt
Assoc Prof DrMahmoud IbrahimEl-SayedAgricultural Research CenterEgypt
DrDereje TuluRobiEthiopian Institute of Agricultural ResearchEthiopia
DrAtsbahaGebreslassieEthiopia Institute of Agriculture ResearchEthiopia
DrMaryamAbbasiPolitecnic institute of coimbraPortugal
Assoc Prof DrChunliMaNortheast Agricultural UniversityChina
DrBoWangDepartment of Thoracic Surgery, Renmin Hospital, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, ChinaChina
ProfMohamedRizkAlrayda UniversityEgypt
Assoc Prof DrSiimPauklinUniversity of OxfordUnited Kingdom
Assist Prof DrNikooKhannazerShahid Beheshti University of Medical SciencesIran
TitleFirst NameLast NameInstitution/OrganizationCountry