maryam Abiri | preeclampsia | Best Researcher Award

Dr . maryam Abiri | preeclampsia | Best Researcher Award 

Doctor , Iran university of medical sciences , Iran

Dr. Maryam Abiri is a dedicated medical geneticist with a Ph.D. in Medical Genetics from Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Currently serving as an Assistant Professor at the Iran University of Medical Sciences, she is also the Medical Genetic Director at Shahid Akbarabadi Hospital. Her extensive research focuses on genetic disorders, particularly metabolic diseases, contributing to the advancement of medical genetics in Iran.



Strengths for the Award

  1. Extensive Research Experience: Dr. Abiri has demonstrated significant expertise in medical genetics, particularly in genetic analysis of metabolic diseases and prenatal diagnostics. Her role as an Assistant Professor and Medical Genetic Director at prominent institutions underlines her leadership and authority in the field.
  2. Prolific Publication Record: Dr. Abiri has authored multiple research papers in well-regarded journals, addressing critical genetic disorders such as maple syrup urine disease, preeclampsia, and glycogen storage diseases. Her work on identifying novel mutations and their implications showcases her ability to contribute valuable insights to the scientific community.
  3. Innovative Contributions: Her research has contributed to the development of genetic markers and diagnostic tools, which have practical applications in medical genetics. Her involvement in pioneering studies on novel biomarkers and the genetic basis of various disorders reflects her innovative approach to research.
  4. Academic Leadership: Dr. Abiri’s role in supervising and advising numerous graduate students highlights her commitment to mentoring the next generation of researchers, which is crucial for sustaining scientific progress.

Areas for Improvement

  1. Broader International Collaboration: While Dr. Abiri has published extensively, enhancing her international collaborations could further strengthen her global research impact and increase the citation and recognition of her work.
  2. Grant Acquisition: Securing more research funding, especially from international sources, would support larger-scale studies and further advance her research capabilities. It would also highlight her capacity to manage significant research projects.
  3. Interdisciplinary Research: Expanding her research scope to include interdisciplinary studies, particularly those that integrate emerging technologies in genetics, could open new avenues for innovative research and increase her competitiveness for the award.


    🎓 Dr. Abiri earned her Ph.D. in Medical Genetics from Tehran University of Medical Sciences (2010-2016). She holds an MSc in Medical Genetics from the same institution (2005-2008) and a BSc in Biology from Alzahra University (2001-2005). Her doctoral research involved genetic analysis of metabolic disorders, and her master’s thesis explored the genetic associations with coronary artery disease.


    💼 Dr. Abiri has been an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Genetics at Iran University of Medical Sciences since 2016. She also serves as the Medical Genetic Director at Shahid Akbarabadi Hospital. Her professional journey is marked by her commitment to genetic research and education, contributing to the development of medical genetics in clinical settings.

    Research Interests

    🔬 Dr. Abiri’s research interests lie in the genetic analysis of metabolic diseases, genetic counseling, and prenatal diagnostics. She has a particular focus on investigating the genetic mutations responsible for conditions like maple syrup urine disease and preeclampsia, contributing to understanding and managing these disorders.


    🏆 Dr. Abiri has been recognized for her contributions to medical genetics with various accolades throughout her career. Her work in genetic analysis and counseling has earned her a distinguished reputation in the field, particularly for her innovative research on genetic mutations and their clinical implications.


    📝 Dr. Abiri has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, contributing to the body of knowledge in medical genetics. Below are some of her notable publications:

    1. Shojaei Z, Abiri M, et al. (2024). First report of a patient with homozygous hemoglobin Ernz: Evidence to support a non-pathogenic variant. Volume 104, January 2024. Cited by: [5 articles].
    2. Shabani M, Eghbali M, Abiri M, et al. (2023). The emerging roles of lncRNAs as a novel player in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Gene Reports, Volume 31, June 2023. Cited by: [3 articles].
    3. Hassanlou M, Abiri M, Zeinali S. (2022). Prenatal diagnosis of citrullinemia type 1; seven families with c.1168G>A mutation of Argininosuccinate synthetase 1 gene in Southwest Iran. International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine, Volume 20, Issue 12. Cited by: [2 articles].
    4. Abiri M, et al. (2021). An Infertile Azoospermic Male With 45, X T(Yp;15) Karyotype. Journal of Family and Reproductive Health, Volume 15: 271-74. Cited by: [1 article].
    5. Abiri, M, et al. (2016). Identification of six novel mutations in Iranian patients with maple syrup urine disease and their in silico analysis. Mutation Research, Volume 786: 34-40. Cited by: [20 articles].
    6. Abiri, M, et al. (2017). In silico analysis of novel mutations in maple syrup urine disease patients from Iran. Metabolic Brain Disease, Volume 32: 105-13. Cited by: [15 articles].


      Dr. Maryam Abiri is a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award, given her extensive research contributions, innovative approaches, and leadership in medical genetics. Her work has had a tangible impact on understanding and diagnosing genetic disorders, which is highly commendable. With enhanced international collaboration and interdisciplinary research, her candidacy for the award would be further strengthened.