Shouyang Du | Stress physiology | Best Researcher Award

Dr . Shouyang Du | Stress physiology | Best Researcher Award 

lecturer , Henan Institute of Science and Technology , China

Shouyang Du is a university lecturer at the Henan Institute of Science and Technology. With a PhD earned in 2016, his research primarily focuses on the population regulation mechanism of wild small mammals on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. He has led or co-led five projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. His innovative research has been widely recognized in major ecological journals like Journal of Animal Ecology and Functional Ecology. His work has even drawn attention from American ecologist Michael J. Sheriff, who authored a review of Du’s findings.




Shouyang Du received his PhD in 2016, specializing in population regulation mechanisms among wild small mammals, specifically focusing on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. His academic foundation has helped him build a strong research profile in ecology, population dynamics, and epigenetics.


As a lecturer at Henan Institute of Science and Technology, Shouyang Du has led research projects on stress physiology and maternal effects on population regulation in small mammals. He has been involved in five National Natural Science Foundation of China-funded projects, establishing his reputation in ecological research. In collaboration with other researchers, he has contributed to studies on the effects of maternal stress on wildlife population dynamics.

Research Interests

Shouyang Du’s primary research interests include stress physiology, maternal effects, epigenetics, and population regulation in small mammals like voles. He focuses on how maternal stress impacts population cycles through epigenetic modifications. His work seeks to uncover the adaptive potential of these biological mechanisms and their effects on wildlife populations.


Shouyang Du is a nominee for the “Best Researcher Award” for his groundbreaking work in population regulation mechanisms. His innovative research on maternal stress and its epigenetic influence on population dynamics has earned him significant recognition, including a focus article by renowned ecologist Michael J. Sheriff.


Du, S.; Shang, G.; Tian, X.; Liu, Z.; Yang, Y.; Niu, H.; Bian, J.; Wu, Y.; Ma, J. (2024). “Effects of DNA Methylation of HPA-Axis Genes of F1 Juvenile Induced by Maternal Density Stress on Behavior and Immune Traits in Root Voles (Microtus oeconomus)—A Field Experiment”. Animals, 14, 2467. DOI link. This publication is highly cited for its contribution to stress physiology in wildlife populations.


Dr. Shouyang Du is a highly accomplished researcher with notable strengths in population ecology, stress physiology, and epigenetics. His innovative research contributions, particularly in understanding maternal effects on population dynamics, make him a strong candidate for the Best Researcher Award. However, expanding his consultancy work, gaining editorial experience, and pursuing industry collaborations could further enhance his profile for future awards.